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For Mentors

Curated relationships with trailblazing startups.

Multiply your impact as a Third Derivative mentor.

Help the world’s most promising startups become the next big thing in climate innovation.

Become a Mentor

Become a mentor

Step 1:

Fill out the application to help our team evaluate whether your skill set matches our current startups. 

Step 2:

Once your application has been reviewed and accepted, we’ll send you a welcome email with everything you need to be set up with our platforms.

Step 3:

The Third Derivative team will match you with startups based on their specific problems to solve and asks, and from there, design mentoring formats that make sense, including 1:1 sessions, group roundtables, workshops, and more. Startups will also be able to request introductions directly through our matching platform.

Join the best-networked mentorship program

Help guide the world’s most promising climate tech leaders

Apply to be a mentor

Curated relationships with trailblazing startups.

Third Derivative mentors have exclusive access to the brightest startups in climate innovation today.

Meet our current cohort

Top questions about the mentorship program, answered:

How much time do I need to commit to being a mentor?

How much time do I need to commit to being a mentor?

It depends on how much time you’re ready to contribute. Mentors participate on a flexible basis, engaging with startups ad-hoc as needed and desired, for whatever time period you choose. We ask that all mentors be available for at least one hour per month. Requests may vary from month to month, and our team is flexible if there are temporary changes in your schedule. You can learn more about expectations for our mentors here.

How do mentors meet startups?

How do mentors meet startups?

You will match with startups in a few different ways:
  • We will proactively connect you with startups based on your skills and what our startups need.
  • You find startups of interest. If you’d prefer, we wholeheartedly invite you to look at the list of startups, message folks on Slack, be an active community member, join social hours, and meet startups organically. Feel free to reach out to anyone you think you can help. This is an open, welcoming community.
  • Startups can request to connect with you through our introduction platform. Based on your interest and availability, you will have the option to accept or reject the request.
How do I communicate?

How do I communicate?

The majority of communications will be via email, including requests for connections and introductions to startups. In addition, the program uses Slack as its main community platform. We recommend checking it regularly and contributing to our community by answering questions and proposing topics!

If you’re new to Slack, that’s okay! We recommend downloading the app to your phone and desktop to stay in touch. Also, here’s a quick guide to help with some of the mechanics.

What are the best practices for mentors?

What are the best practices for mentors?

The mentors who have the best experience in the program:
  • Are active on Slack, engage in conversations, and attend events
  • Stay in touch with the program team, and ask questions
  • Understand that sometimes there aren’t immediate matches for their skills and are patient as we find matches and as startup needs change
Can I reach out to companies directly?

Can I reach out to companies directly?

Yes, please! While we do our best to match you, things change quickly and we may miss something, so please do reach out and connect with startups you can help.

What if I don’t get any inquiries from startups or the staff?

What if I don’t get any inquiries from startups or the staff?

There might not be immediate matches, and that’s okay. Just be patient, and feel free to check in with the D3 team while you remain active in the Slack community.

What if I have ideas or suggestions on how to improve things?

What if I have ideas or suggestions on how to improve things?

We want them! We’re a startup ourselves and are always looking to improve things.

What if things go well, and the startup wants to compensate me?

What if things go well, and the startup wants to compensate me?

We are not involved in negotiating these arrangements, but we support whatever is decided between both parties.

What if I have more questions for the D3 team?

What if I have more questions for the D3 team?

For any additional questions, please reach out to our team at

Discover and support the world’s most promising solutions.

Third Derivative mentors play a critical role in advancing climate innovation by helping world-changing startup leaders reach their incredible potential. By sharing your perspective and subject matter expertise with the next big names in climate tech, you’ll not only stay ahead of the latest breakthroughs—you’ll help bring them roaring to life in the markets that need them most.

Connect with Third Derivative’s powerful ecosystem.

As one of our valued mentors, you’ll be able to tap into the power of our global, virtual network of climate trailblazers, from startups to corporates, investors, and other elite mentors. Just a click away, enjoy access to and camaraderie with high-caliber leaders collectively paving the way to a brighter climate future. Our deep network plugs you into RMI experts and more.

Participate in a curated, world-class program.

Veteran entrepreneurs. Experts in highly specialized technical fields. PR and financial hotshots. It takes a variety of insights to succeed in climate innovation. Depending on the area of expertise, we’ll match you with startup leaders who could benefit most from your insights, and whose solutions capture your imagination. Think of us as your innovation matchmakers, standing by to connect you with highly-vetted innovators you can do more than believe in—you can help champion.

Expand your impact, on your terms.

Whether or not you’re a lifelong sustainability expert, you can make a powerful difference in a startup’s success story. For those who’ve spent their careers in other industries, becoming a Third Derivative mentor could be the opportunity you’ve wanted to help tackle the climate crisis—without leaving your day job. Whatever your background may be, your involvement can be as intensive or light as your schedule and desires dictate.

"Working with the Third Derivative team and companies has been a great experience. D3 has been able to attract some of the most interesting and energetic cleantech concepts and entrepreneurs, and I really enjoy what I can share with them to help achieve their visions—and what I learn from their passion."

Andrew Roehr, Managing Member
Mill River Advisors