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Industrial Innovation Cohorts

Opportunity for Startups Decarbonizing Cement and Concrete, Iron and Steel, and Chemicals

Industrial Innovation Cohorts

Third Derivative and RMI are launching the Industrial Innovation Cohorts.

Enabled by a $2M grant from The Lemelson Foundation, we’re launching the Industrial Innovation Cohorts initiative to source, select, and support the most promising innovations in cement and concrete, iron and steel, and chemicals decarbonization.

For startups, this initiative represents an opportunity to get their innovation to market faster through a founder-friendly accelerator program designed with their needs in mind. For our collaborators, it means a front-row seat to the most exciting startups working on industrial decarbonization and access to novel research and analysis on innovation in these sectors.

We are seeking the most promising early-stage startups innovating to reduce or eliminate the largest sources of carbon emissions in the iron and steel, cement and concrete, and chemical industries. 

To be accepted to one of these cohorts, your company must: 

Have a minimum of two full-time employees (no upper limit)
Have a working prototype (i.e., achieved a Technology Readiness Level of 4)
Be a for-profit company
Have no basic science risk


Technologies of Interest

Although we invite applications from innovators tackling emissions from industrial sectors in a variety of ways, examples of the technologies we are eager to see applications from include:

Iron and Steel

Iron and Steel

  • Demand and Supply Chain Innovations: post-consumer scrap recycling, material reuse, and alternative materials and design
  • Technology to advance hydrogen-based direct reduced iron: System integration improvements for hydrogen-based DRI-EAF, DR pellet supply, and Clean industrial heat solutions for steel production, including waste heat
  • Novel iron and steel production technologies: Electrowinning, sodium-based reduction, laser smelting, etc.
Cement and Concrete

Cement and Concrete

  • Concrete mix optimization: concrete recycling, mix optimization, admixtures, additives, aggregates, grinding technologies, testing and monitoring equipment, smart concrete delivery
  • Clinker substitution: novel supplementary cementitious materials (i.e., beneficiated industrial waste); alternative clinker, cement, and/or concrete, including alkali-activated geopolymers; bio-based approaches; and mineral-based approaches
  • Energy use and pollution reduction: reducing or eliminating fossil fuel use through kiln and calciner electrification or novel clinkering processes, alternative fuels (i.e., biomass processing), IoT operation efficiency, point source carbon capture for cement and concrete production, and carbon capture and storage in concrete
Chemicals and Plastics

Chemicals and Plastics

  • Plastic circularity innovations: chemical recycling and thermoplastics alternatives
  • Process and energy efficiency: improving the efficiency of energy-intensive manufacturing processes and high-temperature reactions such as electrified steam cracking and membrane separation
  • “Defossilized” chemical production: next-generation catalysts, defossilized feedstocks for olefins and aromatics, and related applications of methanol and ammonia
Cross-cutting Industrial Decarbonization Solutions

Cross-cutting Industrial Decarbonization Solutions

We will also consider industrial innovations that enable decarbonization for multiple sectors as long as they target the iron and steel, chemicals, or concrete and cement sectors as a key beachhead market. Examples include: 

  • Industrial heat: heat pumps, thermal storage, and solar thermal
    Green hydrogen: production, transportation, and storage of green hydrogen for use in heavy industry
  • Point source carbon capture and utilization or sequestration: Innovative solutions that can capture and repurpose emissions from industrial processes, with low energy and high capture rates
  • Clean-firm power: solutions that can deliver consistent and high quantities of power to industrial sites, including storage solutions for intermittent power and systems integrations for intermittent renewables and storage 

How do we support startups?

From working with over 60 industrial startups already in our portfolio, we've learned that these innovators benefit from our ecosystem approach to startup servicing. We also know that we must do more to both cultivate innovation in steel, cement, and chemicals, and help bring that innovation more quickly to market.

Third Derivative has a history of distinguishing itself from other climate accelerators by offering an 18-month founder-friendly accelerator program that includes: 

  1. Remote, flexible, and tailored programming
  2. Unparalleled market expertise powered by climate experts at RMI
  3. Connections to Third Derivative’s strategic corporate and investor network

To further support the unique needs of industrial innovators, this initiative is developing a dedicated set of resources for iron and steel, cement and concrete, and chemical startups. The final service offerings will be tailored to the needs of the selected cohort but will include:

  • Industry-specific mentorship: Access to industry-specific mentorship opportunities from entrepreneurs, corporate executives, innovation leaders, and technical experts
  • Funding support: Support accessing dilutive and non-dilutive funding from our curated list of funders in industrial decarbonization solutions
  • High-value virtual and in-person events: Opportunities for exposure and learning opportunities with peers and the industrial ecosystem
  • Virtual programming that supports commercialization success: We leverage our industry experts to advise on critical roadblocks slowing innovations in these key sectors
  • Pro-bono and discounted startup services: When additional or expert support can unlock startup success (past resources have included resources such as access to industry consultants, grant writing support, and life-cycle assessments for innovations)

What Makes Third Derivative's Industrial Innovation Cohorts Unique?

Sector Expertise

This initiative benefits from RMI's four-plus decades of experience as a leader in industrial decarbonization and Third Derivative's experience working with over 200 climate tech innovators and several leading industrial corporations. Together, we bring unparalleled insights into what is needed and what it takes to decarbonize heavy industry at the speed our planet needs.

Sector-Specific Ecosystem

We bring an ecosystem of corporations, investors, industry experts, service providers, government agencies, and other market participants to support startups in addressing product-market fit and securing demonstration, pilot, and funding opportunities.                                                                                                                                           

The Most Promising Startups

‎The quality of our research and diligence, backed by RMI expertise, allows us to identify innovations with the greatest climate impact and the strongest business case in the concrete and cement, iron and steel, and chemicals industries.

Why is Industrial Innovation So Important?

The Problem

Heavy industry produces the most widely used materials you see in your daily lives, from concrete and steel for buildings to chemicals and plastics for consumer products. Industry is responsible for 30 percent of global carbon pollution — and half of that is caused by the production of cement, concrete, iron, steel, chemicals, and plastics.

Today, the world produces about 4 billion tons of cement (and about 30 billion tons of concrete), 2 billion tons of steel, and over 700 million tons of chemicals yearly. By 2050, forecasts estimate that demand will increase by 17% for cement, 27% for steel, and 46% for chemicals. Without innovation — and bringing that innovation quickly to commercialization — these industries could become the world’s biggest emitters within a decade. 

The Opportunity 

Although heavy industry is considered tough to decarbonize, we already have solutions to cut emissions cost-effectively, including fly ash to partially replace the use of clinker in concrete mixes, electric arc furnaces to produce steel from scrap using electricity, and feedstock diversification to produce chemicals with lower life-cycle emissions. According to IEA, despite this progress, there are over 70 technology solutions for the cement, steel, and chemical industries at the lab, prototype, or demonstration stage that are needed to meet our net-zero carbon goals. 

Industry-focused startups already make up about one-third of Third Derivative's portfolio. These portfolio companies work on topics that include green hydrogen, green chemicals and fuels, industrial heat, next-generation steelmaking, carbon-negative cement, and more. We've learned from our existing portfolio that industrial innovations benefit from our ecosystem approach to startup servicing and that we must both cultivate more innovation in these sectors, and help bring that innovation more quickly to market.


Third Derivative and RMI Launch Industrial Innovation Cohorts to Accelerate Decarbonization of Steel, Cement, and Chemicals

RMI and Third Derivative are launching the Industrial Innovation Cohorts initiative supported by a $2 million grant from The Lemelson Foundation. LEARN MORE HERE.